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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016



Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana started from Pakpattan and reached the city of Tulamba in Multan. By the side of the road, they saw a very big and beautiful house, Sajjan, whose real name was Sheikh, had constructed that inn for the comfort of the travelers. In that inn, everyone was given a room to pass night and free meals were served to one's fill. There was no discrimination, be the traveler a Hindu or a Muslim. In that inn, Sheikh had got constructed on one side, a temple for the Hindus to worship and on the other side a mosque, for the Muslims to pray.
Sheikh used to dress like a saint during the day and engaged himself telling beads on his rosary. Seeing him thus, everyone who met him called him Sajjan- the virtuous man or friend. Sajjan had plenty of land which was tilled by labourers. He had adopted another means of income of which no one expect his partners knew. He used to kill the travellers staying for the night, throw their bodies into a well and misappropriate their belongings.
Sajjan guessed that Guru Nanak was a wealthy man. He served Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana very well. Guru Nanak could read what was in the mind of other people. Nothing could remain hidden from him. Guru Nanak read all his black deeds from his conversation with his companions. After dinner, Sajjan requested Guru Nanak,'' O holy man, come and sleep in comfort inside. The night has well advanced. ''Guru Nanak said,'' We shall sing a hymn in praise of God and then sleep.'' Guru Nanak started the recitation of the hymn. 
When Sajjan heard the hymn and understood the meanings, he suspected that Guru Nanak had come to know his black deeds. That was why he was saying, '' A utensil made from bronze looks bright outside but when it is rubbed it makes the fingers black.'' Even if it is washed, that bronze will not be free from blackness. Decorate empty houses outside as you wish but when they are demolished, they will be empty inside. Human bodies are like houses. The bodies devoid of virtues are no avail. The white clad holy men who rob those gone astray, are like storks at places of pilgrimage, who eats frogs. They cannot be called devotees. A man's shrewdness, wisdom and service are useless inless he gives up bad deeds. To become virtuous, one needs the help of Lord.''
When the recital of the hymn was finished, Sajjan fell at Guru Nanak's feet. At the bidding of Guru Nanak, he disturbed all his accumulated wealth among the poor, began to earn his living truthfully and became a true Sajjan.


: What is the literal meaning of the word 'Sikh'?

Answer: The correct answer is'DISCIPLE'.

Congratulations, to all those who gave this Answer.
And Good Luck to  the rest.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

               A HAPPENING AT HARIDWAR                                     

Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Haridwar where Hindus say their last farewell to the ashes of their dead in the river Ganges. They have the believe that the one whose ashes are put in the river Ganges, remains eternally in heaven. Guru Nanak Dev Ji saw thousand o men and women bathing in the river. He also took off his clothes, handed them to Bhai Mardana and descended into the rivrto bathe.
Those who were bathing in the river were throwing water with their hands towards the east. Guru Nanak started throwing water in the West. Those ho were throwing water towards the East, were wonderstruck at seeing Guru Nanak Dev Ji throwing water towards the West. One of them took courage, and asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji, ''Brother, are you a Hindu or a Muslim? Don't you know even this that water is thrown towards the East?  Guru Nanak Dev Ji stopped throwing water and asked the questioner,'' Brother, why is this water thrown towards the East? He replied,'' Don't you know even this that our ancestors live in the abode of gods? They died due to the lack of water. We give them water.''
Guru Nanak again asked that person, ''How far from Haridwar do your ancestors live?'' He replied, '' They live evn beyond the Sun, millions of miles away.'' Guru Nanak said,'' Does this water thrown by you reaches them?'' He replied,'' Brahmins tell us that the water thrown by us reach them.'' Their thirst is quenched by our water. If we do not throw water they are tormented by thirst.''
Hearing this reply from him, Guru Nanak started throwing the water towards the west vigorously. That man again asked Guru Nanak,'' Why do you throw water towards the west when the ancestors are in East.'' Guru Nanak replied, My ancestors are not dying of thirst but my fields in Punjab are drying due to lack of rain. I am watering them.''
That man replied,'' How can this water thrown by you reach Punjab?'' Guru Nanak replied,'' If water thrown by you can reach your ancestors millions  of miles away, why can this water which I am throwing not reach a place two hundred miles away?'' Some of the listeners came to understand, what Guru Nanak said. They realised that the water which they were throwing,returned to the river. Some stopped throwing water but those who have not understood, continue throwing it towards the East to this day.
Those who throw water towards the Est, have forgotten that originally they were asked to throw water to the rising sun and not towards the East. People who have to give water to the rising Sun, must get out of bed before sunrise. Anyone who wakes up before dawn, cannot be lazy. People who are active, are less likely to fall ill. Poverty is less likely to afflict them. They are free from want and hunger. Their houses are free from quarrels. The custom of giving water was started to shake off laziness but the greed of Brahmins turned it into a hypocrisy. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

    NUMEROUS PLANETS AND NUMEROUS STARS.                                            

On his return from Egypt, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, sat down to spend the night in an open place outside the city of Bagdad. When the people came to know that Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who had revealed the spiritual power at Mecca, was sitting outside the city, they went to the qazi of the city in a big group. The qazi reckoned that stoning such an Infidel hindu to death, would be a very pious deed. He took some of his disciple and went to kill Guru Nanak.
Going head they found that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was singing hymn. Singing was in conflict with their prophet's teachings. However the melody of the hymns made them powerless to hit Guru Nanak with stones. They were stunned and began to look at each other's faces and stones fell from their hands. Guru Nanak made them understand,''Music for singing praises of the Lord is not bad but that music is bad which forces the mind to behave like a devil.'' They asked for forgiveness and took Guru Nanak with them to the city.
The next morning, after taking his bath, Guru Nanak recited Japji Sahib- which is one of the morning prayers. As he passed by Jalal Din, the pir of Bagdad heard the words-''There are numerous skies and nether regions.'' He was filled with wonder after hearing it.
At the end end of the recital, he said ''O, holy man you said that there are numerous skies and numerous nether regions, but our prophets have told us that there are seven skies and seven worlds below. You are telling  a lie.'' Guru Nanak said to the Pir.''Your prophet is not wrong. He saw seven skies and seven worlds below, but I see an unlimited number of these so I speak accordingly. '' Pir Jalal Din  said,''As long as you don't show me , how can I believe you?Guru Nanak Dev Ji told, ''Send anybody with me whom you can trust. I shall show him all these and then you will believe me.
As asked by Guru Nanak, PIr Jalal Din got his son Jul Jalal ready to accompany Guru Nanak. When the people of the city came to know that Guru Nanak was to take the Pir's son to show him numerous skies and numerous nether regions, they assembled in a large at his house. People wanted to see all this with their own eyes. Guru Nanak said Jul Jalal, 'Close your eyes.'' When he closed his eyes, Guru Nanak and Jul vanished out of crowd. After some time they returned.
Guru Nanak brought him back after showing him numerous and numerous nether regions. Jul Jalal had in his hand, a wooden bowl full of semolia pudding. He said,''I have been convinced of there being numerous stars and numerous skies and the worlds below, I have been putting in this bowl, small bits of semolia pudding from every place. When I got tired seeing the places, I requested Guru Nanak to return. I opened my eyes at the word of this Hindu Pir found that I was standing among this gathering with the bowl of pudding in my hand. The putting is still hot.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

                       DEATH EATS UP ALL                                     

During his second journey, Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana reached Sialkot city now in Pakistan. They saw that people were raising a hue and cry near hermitage. On inquiry, they came to know that Pir Hamza Gaus was praying to God for the destruction of the whole city. He had made it known among the people that he would shut himself in his dome for forty days, observe a fast and would not see even the light of the Sun. After forty days of fasting, he would come out of the dome and the whole city would sink.
Guru Nanak sent Bhai Mardana to him to persuade him to give up his obstinacy. The disciples of Pir Hamza Gaus did not allow Bhai Mardana to see him. Then Guru Nanak started singing a hymn and the dome cracked. Seeing the sunlight he came out of his dome enraged and said to Guru Nanak,'' You have not done well. You have stopped me from destroying this city. This city is inhabited by liars. A rich man had promised me that if I got a son from him from God, he would leave him at my hermitage for my service. I fulfilled his wish. Now he has backed away his words. Nobody pays any heed to me although I got him the son from God. All the city sympathises with him.''
Guru Nanak replied,'' We can test just now if ant truthful person lives in the city or not.'' Guru Nanak gave Bhai Mardana two paisas and said,'' Please bring one paisa worth of truth and one paisa worth of falsehood from the market.'' Bhai Mardana went from one shop to another for asking one paisa worth of truth and one paisa worth of falsehood. The shopkeepers thought Bhai Mardana was out of mind and bade him move on. Eventually he reached the shop of Mool Chand Khatri. He took the paisas and wrote on a paper''Life is falsehood and death is the truth.''
Bhai Mardana came back with the paper. Guru Nanak showed the paper to Pir Hamza Gauz and said, ''There are truthful persons in the city. To destroy them would have been a sin.'' He said, ''Holy man, they say but they do not act. You may also ascertain this for yourself.'' Hearing this, Guru Nanak called Mool Chand to the hermitage and said to him,'' You have written that death is the truth. If you believe it, then leave hearth and home and come here to serve Pir Hamza Gaus.'' Mool Chand agreed to Guru Nanak. He handed over his home and belongings to his sons and presented himself to Pir Hamxza Gaus. The Pir was very pleased to see Mool Chand at his service. All his anger against the people of the city vanished. The people went away to their homes relieved.
Guru Nanak made Pir Hamza Gaus understand,''God is great. You should not resist him. It is the duty of the holy men to accept His will. They should do good as far as possible. Onne should not even think of harming God's creation.''