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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Sunday, November 6, 2016

             SHRI GURU ANGAD DEV JI                              

Bhai Lehna Ji who later on came to be known as Guru Angad Dev Ji. He was born on March 31, 1504A.D.  at Matte Di Sarran, district Mukastar. His father Bhai Pheru Mal Ji was well educated. He was working as an accountant. of a Muslim ruler. The people of the village felt very happy when they heard the news of Bhai Lehna Ji. They came in the house of Bhai Pheru Mal to conngratulate him.
In order to celebrate the birth of Bhai Lehna Ji, the devotees came in large number. They sang songs in praise of Durga Mata. On seeing the beautiful child all were thanking goddess.
When Bhai Lehna Ji was sixteen, Bhai Pheru Mal Ji decided to get his son married. Bhai Lehna was married in village Khadoor near Taran Taaran in Amritsar district.
One day Jodha of his district was taking Bath in the tank and was singing the sacred hymns. Bhai Lehna listened to the hymns very carefully, which caused strange effect on his mind. At that time, Bhai Jodha was reciting the pauri number 21 of Asa Di War.  Bhai Lehna Ji had never heard such sacred hymns in praise of God. He only used to listen and sing in praise of goddess.
He then said to Bhai Jodha, '' My friend, from where have you learnt these devotional songs? '' Bhai Jodha replied, 'O, great man, these devotional songs are composed by Guru Nanak.'' Then he told him abut the life of Guru Nanak. He also told that Guru Nanak speaks the word of God as it comes to him from God himself. '' Who recites or listens these hymns, gets a glimpse of the True god and crosses peacefully this worldly ocean.''

Next day when Bhai Lehna took his horse and drove towards Kartarpur. When he reached near the village he saw a well built, healthy and tall old man. He drove near the man and asked about the village and Guru Nanak's abode. That old man was Guru Nanak himself. Instead of pointing towards the residence of Guru Nanak, he asked him politely to follow him. Guru Nanak guided him and Bhai Lehna, discontinuing the horse, followed him. When they reached the Darbar of the Guru, pointing towards a peg, Guru Nanak himself entered his room. He sat on the seat where he generally used to meat his devotees. Bhai Lehna asked from a Sikh about the whereabouts of Guru Nanak. The Sikh told him about the room of the Guru. But when he entered the room, he was astonished to see the same old man who had led him the way, was Guru Nanak himself. Bhai Lehna was filled with shame and remorse.

Guru Nanak made Guru Angad Dev Ji his successor and advised him to go to his native village.The Guru Angad Dev Ji shifted to his village but was staying secretly in the house of Mai Virai. But the Sikhs felt worried as they could not find the whereabouts of Guru.

But Baba Buddha Ji was confident that the Guru must be in the house of Mai Virai. So he took five Sikhs and Rababi Balwand with him and reached the house of Mai Virai. Then he asked Bhai Balwand to tune his rebeck and to recite a hymn of Guru Nanak. Bhai Balwand ecited a hymn of Guru Nanak in a very sweet and loud voice. When Guru Angad Dev Ji heard the voice of Bhai Balwand reciting a holy hymn of Guru Nanak he came outside and stood in the gate. He saw towards Baba Buddha and other Sikhs. He smiled and very happily said, ''You have found the way to locate Guru''. The recitation of the hymn of Guru Nanak has such a power that no man on earth could resist it. Then at the request of Baba Buddha he agreed to go with them in order to see the Sikhs. 

At the new place Khadur Sahib, on one side the Guru was showering the spiritual teachings to the people, and on the other side Mata Kheevi Ji wife of Guru Angad Dev Ji was supplying rich foods to the Sikhs. She was made incharge of Langar and ger duty was to supply food to all, irrespective of caste or creed.

Mata Ji used to get up early in the morning and after performing religious rites she attended the kitchen. Though there were other sewadars also to prepare and serve the food, but Mata Kheevi Ji himself prepared the vegetables, and other dishes. She was keeping a watch in order to make it certain that all had been served according to their requirements. Bhai Balwand Rababi writes, '' Rice prepared in ghee were served to all''.

Himayun once decided Khadur to meet Guru Angad Dev Ji. When Himayun reached Khadur he was astonished to see the grandeur of the great Guru. At that time the Guru was delivering his divine sermons and his followers were listening to him very carefully. When the Emperor tried to enter the Diwan Hall the sewaks stopped him. He felt offeneded and in fit of rage entered into the Diwan Hall forcefully and stood before the Guru. Instead of bowing the Guru, he put his hand....