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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Guru Granth Sahib Ji, { ANG} 496

Poota Mata Ki Asis
Nimakh Na Bisrah Tum Kau Har Har
Sada Bhajah Jagdish
Satgur Tum Kau Hoi Daiyala
Sant Sang Teri Preet
Kapar Pat Parmesar Rakhi
Bhojan Kirtan Neet

ENGLISH TRANSLATION................................................................................................... Oh my son, this is your mother’s blessing
that you may never forget the Lord even for a moment .
And your devotion to the Lord be perpetual.
May the Satguru shower grace on you
and your love be established in the Holy.
May you be robed by the Lord with Honour
and your food (sustenance) be the perpetual divine Kirtan
(singing of the Glories of the Lord).

By:-Tanmeet Kaur Kohli

(Web Designer)

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