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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

                                                SACRIFICE OF BUDHU SHAH

Pir Budhu Shah was a Muslim saint who lived at Sidhaura in Himanchal  Pradesh. While Guru Gobind Rai at Paonta, the Pir was touring hilly areas. The Pir came to know that Guru Gobind Rai, the tenth embodiment in the line of Guru Nanak, was staying at Paonta. He went to see the Guru, in a planquin, as it was the fashion amongst kings and empreors of those times to move with royal pomp and show, in planquins, with attendents and serveants.
The audience with the Guru gave him the peace of mind which the study of religious books, prayers and meditation had not given. The difference of 'That is yours and this is mine' had disappeared from his mind. The Pir could see everything belongs to one God, when he left for Sidhaura.
After the first meeting it became routine for Pir budhu shah to visit the Guru. He no more needed a planquin to visit the Guru. He came to realise that the Guru's fight was not for any kingdom but against the tyranny which was being perpetrated against the poor people. Religion was being used as an excuse to commit tyranny. He got five hundred Pathans who had been dismissed from Aurangzeb's army for being Shi'ah Muslim, enrolled with the Guru.
Before starting the 'War of Bhangani', the hill states rajas tempted and enticed four hundred of these five hundred pathans, to join them. When pir budhu shah came to know this disloyalty  of the pathans, he came to the Guru's aid with his seven hundred followers, four sons and two brothers. Fierce battle was fought at Bhagnani. two of his sons attained martydom in the battle. The army of the hill rajas suffered heavy casualties in the war and their forces were routed.
After the war was over, the Pir came to take leave from the Guru to go back to Sidhaura. The Guru asked the Pir, ''You have rendered great help to me in this war. You may ask if you have any special wish. Your wish will be fulfilled from the 'House of Nanak'. At the time, the Guru was combing his hair. The Pir said to the Guru,''If you are so pleased with my services, be kind enough to grant me this comb with your hair entangled in it''.
The Guru gave the comb with the hair to Pir Budhu Shah. Later on Maharaja bharpur singh of Nabha state obtained that comb and hair from the descendents of the Pir after paying the sum asked by them .
When Aurangzeb came to know that the pir had helped the Guru in the ''War of Bhagnani'', he sent Usman Khan with a force to Sidhaura. Usman Khan arrested the Pir for helping the Guru he was martyred by burying alive.

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