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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

                        SIKH REHET MARYADA               


1. A Sikh should pray to God before launching off any work task.
2. Learning Gurmukhi is an essential for Sikh. He should pursue other studies too.
3. The true Sikh of the Guru shall make an honest living by lawful work.
4. A Sikh shall not steal, form dubious associations or engage in Gambling.
5. A Sikh should not kill his daughter, nor should he maintain any relationship with the killer of Daughter.
6. Not believing in any caste or descent untouchability, magic spells. omens days or occasions, influence of stars or any horoscopic dispositions, Ancestor worship.
7. The Khalsa should maintain its distinctiveness among the professors of different religions of the world, but should not hurt the sentiments of another person professing another religion.
8. A Sikh should, in no way, harbour any antipathy to the hair of the head with which the child is born.
9. It is not proper for a Sikh women to wear veil or keep her face hidden by veil or cover.
10. A Sikh when he meets another Sikh, should greet him with, ''Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh''. This is ordained for both men and women.

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