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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

                         TRUTH IS SUPREME                               

Taking Bhai Mardana along, Guru Nanak reached the high peaks of the Shivalik mountains where saints and yogis were passing their lives after renouncing the world. Those saints and yogis had a belief that the love for worldly objects will cease of one lives in an uninhabited area. By overcoming the desire to possess worldly material, one can overcome reincarnation. They called themselves celibate and did not get married. They also believed that after marriage, the wife entangles the husband in the net of worldly objects and his escape from it is impossible.
It was difficult for everybody to reach those snow-clad mountains. There was always the danger of wild animals. The yogis were filled wonder on seeing Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana. They questioned, '' How have you come to us? One can reach these hills only with the help of supernatural powers. ''Guru Nanak replied, ''We have reached here with the knowledge of the truth.''
Among those yogis was Bharthari, a disciple of Gorakh, who had renounced his kingdom and adopted yoga. He did not grasp the meaning of what Guru Nanak said because, as long as one does not adopt truth as one's way of life, how can one understand what the Truth is. He advised Guru Nanak, ''You also pierce your ears like me and put on ear-rings, shave your head, discard your clothes, smear your body with ash and adopt Gorakh as your spiritual guide, then you will attain salvation.
Guru Nanak replied, '' You renounced your kingdom, left your home but have not been able to get rid of your ego for which you have not understood it yet.'' Bharthari offered a bowl of cannabis to Guru Nanak and said,'' Nanak drink it so that you may be free from hunger and thirst. Your mind may concentrate and all the woes of the world be forgotten.'' Guru Nanak replied, '' One who trades in the Truth, does not require this drug. He is always intoxicated by the Name which destroys pains and sorrows of the world.''
After Bharthari was satisfied, Sanghar Nath asked, '' What were the means by which you got rid of lust? In which way did give up the love of worldly objects? How did you master anger and why does pride not bother you?'' Guru Nanak replied, When I  gained the knowledge of Truth, I  overcame lust. When I started singing the praises of God, love of worldly materials left men made the greed to flee. The fear of death left me when I  perceived the Lord always in my mind.''
Guru Nanak saw that the impurity of ego had not left the minds of the yogis though they had renounced the world and were tolerating the pains and hardships of the hills far away from human. How could yogis see the light of Truth away from the creation when God resides in it?

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