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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

               BHAI GHANAIYA JI                                         

Bhai Ghaniya Ji belonged to a village Sodra in district of Gujjranwala (Pakistan). He was a Guru devout Sikh and had a very delicate and kind heart. His peace loving nature desisted him from becoming a soldier. But being a beloved Sikh of the Guru, he wanted to serve him one way or the other. So, he learnt the art of rendering first aid to the wounded. He organised an ambulance band who were serving the wounded in the battle-field. When and wherever fighting took place he would take his men with him. He served the water and provided other necessary help to the wounded. He dressed their wounds and also helped them to reach their camps. He was serving the friends and enemies alike...
One day few Sikhs complained to the Guru that Bhai Ghanhiya was giving first aid and water to the wounded enemies and Sikhs alike. They also accused him that practically he was helping the enemy, as the soldiers, who had been cured by him, were again becoming fit to face the Sikhs. The Guru called Bhai Ghanhiya Ji and asked hm about the accusations ascribed by other Sikhs. Bhai Ghanhiya Ji said, 'O, Lord! It is true, I provided water and first aid to all the wounded persons though they might be Turks or Sikhs. But actually I am niether serving Sikhs nor Turks, I have been serving you. Your teachings have opened my mind and I see you in every human body which lies wounded on the battle field. So I am supplying water and providing first aid to none else, but you.''The Guru was very much pleased to hear this answer and he stood up and patting him said,.....


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