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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Saturday, June 2, 2018


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Trust me, Love is a curious thing and most of us are looking for it. One of the best thing about awakening is that how easy love becomes. It's not a new evolution of love. Rather, it's a comeback to what love is. It's everywhere around us. But we are taught the other way. We've been taught that love is an immense thing and requires a long lasting checklist before entering into that phase.

Love blossoms in many relationships. It's not only about a man and a woman relationship, rather it's a lot more than that. There's brotherly love, sisterly love, the love from the team mates, fatherly love, motherly love and a quite more. You can obviously fill in the blanks. As for "the one" that's just a lot of pop crap culture, because " perfect" is an illusion that will fade off after a point of time for sure. If you are still operating that love is romantic, folks it's just not that. Love is a really vast topic to cover one.

Spiritual guides try to help us when we are going through tough times, whether mentally, physically or spiritually. Unfortunately our emotions often get in the  way of our efforts to influence us along certain lines. A hunch or sudden desire that ultimately works out well for you  or benefits someone may have been a guide spiritually nudging you to the right direction.

We give off energy just as we absorb emotions around us. Some people starts to talk to themselves in a subconscious effort to reach out their knowledge. A spiritual awakening is an intensely private change in which you become more in sync with your inner self or inner soul. As you become more connected or rooted to your self soul, you become more aware of the the karmic plans of the universe. The one that you want to talk the most about on what's going on inside may be off limits because your partner would view you in a different light. He may feel angry or scared of your sanity or wondering how far you'll go for attention, but he won't really hear you. You can't really blame him.

We actually don't need to rush. If something's bound to happen, it will happen. In the right time, with the right person and for the best reason. You will get there when you are meant to get there, not sooner or later.

When you meet someone you have a karmic relation with, a spark of recognisation ignites in your soul. You'll feel a haunting familiarity. A sense of having come home. But unfortunately, something that's familiar isn't always good for you. If you have karma to resolve in a close relationship you may be sucked in a whirlpool of repetitive past patterms and appears to have very little to do with your conscious wishes and actions.Discovering whether you're caught in karmic emotional  rollercoaster is actually quite easy to do. Real love should be peaceful, beautiful experience filled with mutual respect, joy and space to grow.

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