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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Friday, September 30, 2016

                  DEVOTION OF MOTHER JAMMUNA                                 

One day a masand Sikh authorized by the Guru for the collection of offerings was collecting the offerings and the tithe from the Sikh devotees at the village Danapur. A poor old woman, Mother Jamuna, lived in that village. She offered to put the small quantity of pulse and rice for the community kitchen in the bag of masand. Seeing, the handful of pulse and rice, the masand thought that the offerings of the elderly woman would not increase the quantity of the material of the bag, so he stopped mother jamuna and sent her away with a reprimand. This greedy masand was one of those who kept a large part of the offerings of the Sikh devotees for themselves.
Mother Jamuna took the pulse and rice to her home. She believed that the Guru could read the desires of the mind. She resolved that one day the Guru would come o her for the hotch and potch to eat. ''Then I shall prepare hotch potch myself and serve it to the Guru'', she said to herself. After that day she stored whatever little she could instead of giving it to the masand.
In 1671 AD Prince Gobind Rai stayed in Danapur on his way to Anandpur from Patna. Mother Jamuna was overjoyed to hear the news of his stay as she could see him with her own eyes. She prepared hotch potch with great love and devotion and called to mind for the Prince to pay visit to her. The mind reader of the devotees presented himself before Mother Jamuna and said, ''Grandma, bring that hotch potch which you have prepared for me''. Mother Jamuna was very pleased to  see the Prince. She bought the hotch potch she had prepared and offered it to the Prince. The hotch potch was also served to the Sikhs accompanying the Prince.
When the young Prince rose to go, the old woman requested him to stay with her forever. The Prince replied,''Grandma, I shall always be with you. If you want to see me, prepare hotch potch in this pot and serve it to the needy and poor people.You can behold me before you''.
Whenever Mother Jamuna wanted to behold the Prince, she prepared hotch potch and served it to the poor and she could feel the presence of the Prince. In this way she always had glimpse of the Guru till her last breath.
That earthern pot in which Mother Jamuna had prepared hotch potch for the Guru is still kept in Gurudwara''Handi Sahib''.

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