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Live Recordings Of Bhai Jagjit Singh ( Delhi Wale)

Saturday, October 1, 2016

       ANANDPUR AN EDUCATION CENTRE.                                

Munshi Sahib Chand was a reciter of Guru Granth Sahib Ji at Guru's institution. He also taught the Punjabi language to the children in his spare time.After arrival at Anandpur from Patna,Prince Gobind Rai started learning Punjabi from Munshi Sahib Chand. Learning the Punjabi languagewas important as the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji were written in it.The Prince was very clever and intelligent.He learnt to recite the whole of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji by heart in less than six months.
Munshi Pir Mohammad was assigned the job of teaching Persian to the Prince as Persian was the official language in that era. Pandit Kirpa Ram Datt taught him Sanskrit,Hindi and Brij Bhasha. In time the Guru became a top scholar of Punjabi,Persian,Sanskrit and Hindi.In 1680AD,the institutions teaching Sanskrit were closed down by the order of Aurangzeb. The Guru sent invitations and travel expenses to the scholars of these institutions to come to Anandpur. On reaching Anandpur, they were employed on salariesin accordance with their abilities and qualifications.
In 1686AD Pandit Nath  refused to impart the knowledge of Sanskrit to Sikhs. In the view, only the Brahmins (high caste Hindus) could learn Sanskrit. It was a sin to teach Sanskrit to others. He argued that by learning Sanskrit,people would be able to read the books which contained all the religious knowledge of the times . He was convinced of the fact that if he passed the knowledge of these books to the general public then they would learn the reality. The Brahmins would then not be able to bluff them or scarethem in the name of the numerous Gods. The Guru had gone through all of these books so he wanted that the Sikhs should also know what their ancestors had written. By a thorough reading the Sikhs would gain religious knowledge,then they would discard the baseless rituals
The Guru asked five Sikhs to don saffron robes and sent them disguised as "Nirmala Saints"to Kanshi to learn Sanskrit. Upon completion of their studies,they returned back to Anandpur and started teaching Sanskrit to Sikhs. By learning Sanskrit, Sikhs got knowledge written in Vedas and Puranas. The Brahmins lost their respect with them. The truth that Brahmins had kept hidden for generations from the general public was passed to them by Sikhs.
Shi'ah (Muslim sect) and Sufi(Muslim Saints) men of learning also came to Anandpur for fear of Aurangzeb. Bhai Nand Lal Ji also came up to Anandpur. In this way,fifty two poets gathered around the Guru. Anandpur had become a place for learning. Those who came to visit the Guru, were not allowed to return without learning Punjabi and were encouraged to learn sacred hymns by heart. A small book containing Guru's hymns was given to them at the time of departure. The Sikhs upon returning back to their villages, taught their other relatives and friends the sacred hymns by heart and encouraged them to go to Anandpur and learn Punjabi. Guru Gobind Singh Ji used the money donated by the Sikhs, on propagating the teaching of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, constructing forts and looking after the buildings of the gurudwaras.
To instill courage in the Sikhs, the Guru got ballads written by the poets and had the ancient purans (Hindu religious books)translated by the scholars at Punjabi. Purans, which eulogize charity, worship and recitations more important than truth.The teachings of these books teach the people not to question the validity of truth but to follow them which make the people cowards and blind followers. The ballads of bravery written by the poets discouraged the stone worship. The Guru made the Sikhs worshippers of Shakti(The Power).
The Guru, himself, composed a number of ballads ad hymns. At the time of leaving Anandpur, these books were laden on mules. Due to heavy rains, the river Sirsa was in flood and the books were carried away by water. Only a small portion of the writing composed by the Guru was saved;namely Japp Sahib, Akal Ustat, Sawaiyas, Chandi Charitra, Chaubius Avtar, Var Bhagauti Ji Ki, Shastar Nam Mala, Gian Parbodh and some hymns of Charitar Pakhian.
Recitation of Guru's word set to music (Kirtan) is considered supreme in the instituion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Aurangzeb was a Sunni Muslim. Music was against his tenets. Aurangzeb had banned music in his kingdom in 1670AD. Musicians took their abode at Anandpur where their art was given a place of honour. Guru Gobind Singh Ji himself played a number of musical instruments, such as Mardang,Jori and Sarinda, very well.
By the orders of the Guru, blind beggars who begged in the streets and were a burden on other, were taught the art of music which helped them to stand on their feet.


Anonymous said...

Nice Blog....very informative....Keep it up

Harpreet Singh Ghulati said...

thank you so much...
please share as much as you can..