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Saturday, June 2, 2018


Image result for karmic relationships

Trust me, Love is a curious thing and most of us are looking for it. One of the best thing about awakening is that how easy love becomes. It's not a new evolution of love. Rather, it's a comeback to what love is. It's everywhere around us. But we are taught the other way. We've been taught that love is an immense thing and requires a long lasting checklist before entering into that phase.

Love blossoms in many relationships. It's not only about a man and a woman relationship, rather it's a lot more than that. There's brotherly love, sisterly love, the love from the team mates, fatherly love, motherly love and a quite more. You can obviously fill in the blanks. As for "the one" that's just a lot of pop crap culture, because " perfect" is an illusion that will fade off after a point of time for sure. If you are still operating that love is romantic, folks it's just not that. Love is a really vast topic to cover one.

Spiritual guides try to help us when we are going through tough times, whether mentally, physically or spiritually. Unfortunately our emotions often get in the  way of our efforts to influence us along certain lines. A hunch or sudden desire that ultimately works out well for you  or benefits someone may have been a guide spiritually nudging you to the right direction.

We give off energy just as we absorb emotions around us. Some people starts to talk to themselves in a subconscious effort to reach out their knowledge. A spiritual awakening is an intensely private change in which you become more in sync with your inner self or inner soul. As you become more connected or rooted to your self soul, you become more aware of the the karmic plans of the universe. The one that you want to talk the most about on what's going on inside may be off limits because your partner would view you in a different light. He may feel angry or scared of your sanity or wondering how far you'll go for attention, but he won't really hear you. You can't really blame him.

We actually don't need to rush. If something's bound to happen, it will happen. In the right time, with the right person and for the best reason. You will get there when you are meant to get there, not sooner or later.

When you meet someone you have a karmic relation with, a spark of recognisation ignites in your soul. You'll feel a haunting familiarity. A sense of having come home. But unfortunately, something that's familiar isn't always good for you. If you have karma to resolve in a close relationship you may be sucked in a whirlpool of repetitive past patterms and appears to have very little to do with your conscious wishes and actions.Discovering whether you're caught in karmic emotional  rollercoaster is actually quite easy to do. Real love should be peaceful, beautiful experience filled with mutual respect, joy and space to grow.

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Image result for SPIRITUALITYGiving and receiving apologies, It's worth it on both the ends

It is not a social nicety. It is an important ritual or maybe a way of showing respect and empathy for the wronged person.. Apology actually has got a power to unarm the anger and to prevent further misunderstandings.  But an apology cannot undo the past harmful actions, if done sincerely, it can undo the negative effects of those actions. Guaranteed.

Apology  has a power to humble even the most arrogant. When we are ready to accept the things that we have done wrong, and apolgise for the same.we develp a deep sense of self respect. Most important of all, it helps you to be emotionally strong and remains the same. A little benefit to it :reminds us to not to repeat the act.
learning the art of apologising effectively and then you will find a  significant reduction in  the negative effects of conflicts and relationship stress because apologies helps us to put the conflict behind and move on more easily. It mainly helps to re-establish the dignity for those you hurt. Apologizing is always a good idea even if you were unintentional. It actually open ups the door for a better communication. Basically, if you care about the other and the relationship, and you can avoid the offending behaviour in the future, an apology is usually a good idea. But this doesn't mean that you need to take responsibility for things that were not your fault.
Sometimes, taking responsibility also means specifying what you did that you believe is wrong, but can entail gently mentioning what you believe was not wrong on your part. In this way, you can protect yourself from the feeling that if you are first one to apologise, you are taking responsibility for the whole conflict, or for the bulk of it.


Sunday, January 7, 2018

     A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for."


Related image    Fear comes in many ways, there is a fear of embarrassment, failure and injury. you know what, I say go for it, if you want to do something, just go for it.
What if I screwd up this write up, what if you'll laugh on my recent post? What if. That is the key, there is no way of knowing until you try.
The roots of fear are extremely deep and widespread. people live their lives wthout the realization of the sacrifices that lie ahead, "I  slept and dreamed that life was beauty. I awoke and guess what, I  found that life was a duty." People actually fantasise about living or rather a happy life, where in reality they are far away from the reality.
In reality, life is defined as the risks we take for that right decision. Take chances, and I would say, alot of them. Because in the end we turn out to be who we are. Learning and growing is a part of it. Everything that we are doing or what we want todo is worth your time.  Finding balance in one's life is the biggest goal to achieve. It's important to work hard but don't let work take your life, it will result in losing ourselves. Love, but love for the right reasons. Most important of all, let go of whatever is stealing your smile from your face. Trust me, it's hard but it's worth it. i am saying this very confidently because experience teaches you everything. Embrace life. Embrace your way of living. Embrace that change. We enter into a period where it's quality over quantity. You now seek quality, something that's yours, something that's real. something you can grow, something you are proud of. And this isn't possible without taking risks. 


Friday, January 5, 2018

Image result for spiritual awakening 


Awakening is just the satrting to the turning point of our lives. It basically evolves the potential within us. Here we try to live  purely as essence in the world and learn to let go. But for people ego doesn't finish off even after awakening. There are certain common experiences which are experienced by individuals. The most common experience is feeling lost, directionless, and without motivation. Believers, people who have had profound personal experiences of the spiritual world finds themselves isolated.Spiritual Awakening open ups the doors to a place with no boundaries. The spiritual realm is one of unconditional, the overwhelming love. Awakening gives self loveand more loves, an intimacy beyond words. We are living in a world where judging is more common then finding the humility to look into ourselves and find love and compassion for all.There is a vastness and greatness of thought, feeling, and movement in the process of awakening. Trust me on this, life is truely without limits. But once back in our normal world, life feels very confining left with a few choices. A practical life of thinking and doing can be so contrary to a world of fiercy beauty and simply being. The experience for many people in spiritual awakening includes seeing their spiritual family, guides, and yes, angels. They have come home. Family is reunited, found waiting and excited. It is our loving family. When there is no desire to  be away from home but you feel exactly the opposite. While on our Earthy plane, people are looking for their soul mate or soul family, on the other side everyone is a spiritual partner. How does one live in the normal world after reuniting with family, finding the true meaning of relationships?